August Forecast: Friend or Foe?
Greetings, we meet again.
CHANNEL NOTE: I apologize for the delay in the channeled message for August. A lot of life changes occurred all at once for me and I needed some time to take care of normal human things. I appreciate your understanding. Even now, my stamina doesn’t feel great and I’m feeling pretty run down and tired. I hope that this message still serves you in some way, even if it isn’t my absolute best. Thank you for bearing with me! -Dee
As most of you are well aware, the month of August has proven thus far to be cataclysmic and explosive. In both personal and collective ways, humanity is once again confronting the shadow of greed, disposition and of an overall feeling of a loss of power. Rapid changes due to occur for a while are steadily incoming this month, especially by way of relationships. Many of you are wandering straight into your sovereignty and a more acute awareness of how you relate to those around you and truly, to everything that consistently permeates your daily lives such as your relation to money, relation to environment, relation to animals etc. When we say wandering, we truly mean wandering. This is a month in which what you actively seek, actively evades you. Instead, you are better off simply allowing life to unfold before you day by day. We are introducing a new paradigm into collective consciousness and by we, we mean truly all of us. Humanity and divinity alike are all participating in a tremendous universal shift in consciousness from that of control and manipulation to that of freedom and true, authentic and unrivaled expression. The more you allow, the more you simply trust and put your faith in what could go right… the easier things seem to come to you. Especially your next level of sovereignty. In a word, we would sum up the energy of August as a bit whimsical and a bit dark. Dark not necessarily meaning “bad” but dark meaning not-so-obvious-to-see. Think of Alice in Wonderland.
That fairytale perfectly illustrates the frequency of August. Allowing your curiosity and your thirst for a break from the same, tired woeful stories you tell yourself will have you casually and abruptly bumping right into your destiny. Like the fairytale, events in both your personal life and the collective consciousness can seem absurd, unbelievable, senseless and even frightening. Yet, know this: this is meant to refine you. Not to harm you. There is no need to take events at face value right now. Sometimes what seems frightening is actually the kindest act of service to you.
This non-linear, seemingly accidental way of aligning to your next cycle of purpose is part of an overall collective paradigm shift. Control bred order where there was once chaos and manipulation bred empowerment where there was once complacency. It is not that control and manipulation are inherently terrible, it is just time for a different approach. Now, the paradigm calls for freedom, beauty and authentic expression of the Self. In all areas truly, but especially as they relate to love, to art, to mysticism and to heartfelt endeavors. August will challenge you to confront and release the stories of tragedy you’ve been telling yourself in relation to these themes and by keeping an open mind, you’ll be likely to stumble right into a new reality in which who you are is enough and is even celebrated, adored and rewarded. Cosmically, we are making a dramatic shift from tragedy to comedy. A reality in which things simply work out, without fail.
Any part of you which resists this shift as being possible and true for you MUST be confronted and done away with. You have until about the end your calendar year. Dedicate and devote yourself to exploration of the Self and of the person that this new collective reality allows you the opportunity to become. Think of it this way: when your environment shifts in a way that makes life much easier and requires much less effort from you to provide the best outcome… will you allow it? Will you sustain it?
If your body is experiencing strong signs of social, mental and physical fatigue then do your best to respond with compassion. Your body is quite literally shedding eons of dramatic narratives, with or without your acknowledgement. Some of you are going to begin dropping weight seemingly out of nowhere and effortlessly. Others will go through a bit of a shedding process with their hair and skin. However this energetic purge manifests physically for you, we encourage you to take it easy and do not succumb yourself to panic. It will pass by the end of September. This is a dramatic divorce between you and accumulated disadvantageous energies of your ancient past. Again, collectively and personally. Guilt and shame from the Atlanteans piled upon your own conscious guilt and shame in localized memory. Give yourself room to process and make extra room for sleep. A lot of this clearing process is happening in dreams. This is not a good time for you to push through and force yourself into productivity.
This level of surrender is easier said than done. We will acknowledge this truth. However, what choice do you really have? Worrying doesn’t provide solutions. It only amplifies perceived problems. Resistance does not alter outcomes, it simply reveals what is NOT desired.
Which brings us to the main point of this channeled message: this new paradigm shift will REQUIRE you to discern between friend or foe. Much of what you avoid, suppress and pretend to not see is actually a clear pathway to deepening your relationship to yourself, your truth and your next life purpose. Much of what and who you love such as comfort, safety and stability… actually deters you from what your Soul deeply seeks and desires. If you find comfort in the same, boring and tired story of victimhood… this comfort is not your friend. It may feel like a friend since it is familiar to you…but it is not kind nor helpful to you. During the month of August we encourage you to stay alert and deeply question what is a friend and what is a foe. Just because it is unpredictable, illogical or goes against the grain does not mean it is inherently bad or negative or harmful in any way to you. Just because you are attracted to what makes you suffer, does not mean that you are powerless to overcome this attraction/addiction. No matter how badly you’d like to argue otherwise, you are not a martyr or victim to anyone or anything. Any story which suggests that you are, no matter how justified you feel it is… is a foe to you. Treat it as you would a foe.
This is where you have creative freedom. What is your relationship to an enemy? Everyone has one. No one has ever lived a life in which they have not done harm unto another. Even if it’s accidentally. Even if it’s just thinking a critical or jealous thought. Do you attempt to turn an enemy into a friend? Why or why not? Do you have a tendency to overexplain or fawn when you suspect someone is judging, misunderstanding or simply choosing not to like you? There is no right or wrong answer. This is just about you getting clear on your impact in relationships, their impact on you and devising a plan of moving forward with more awareness than you used to carry before. Relationships and communities are key in this next chapter. Along the way, you will have to make square with the fact that you will not be everyone’s favorite all the time. Can you make peace with this and make room for your naysayers to also thrive? Will you attempt to superimpose your way or the highway? Will you condemn yourself to being the victim and blaming somebody else for shadows you already energetically line up with?
This is all such a deeply personal and nuanced process. We cannot stress enough how important it is to remember that you have nothing to prove. You do not have to walk around acting saintly in order to be worthy of divine recognition and connection. It is much more advantageous to be honest and to create/receive honest responses to whatever awareness you find within you.
August is a good month to let the old narratives die without much ado. They’ve had their run. Speak your peace if you must and carry on. Remember, the dramatics of the ancient past are at play here. Take into account that what you may deem an overreaction may feel visceral and extremely instinctual to another. Still, it is up to you whether you engage at all and how you engage to the combativeness of an ancient disagreement. Remember, the shift in this is from tragedy to comedy. Perhaps there’s a lesson here that can be delivered through laughing at yourself and at the absurd insistence of those who want to lay themselves at your feet and point the blame for their misfortune at you.
Friend or foe. It is an important theme. And a highly complex one at that. Have fun with this. Conflict and tension does not have to be so serious and frightening nor does it need to severely dysregulate you. It is a normal part of a society in which so many different phenotypes and philosophies are not only possible but also quite common. It is such a uniquely enriching experience to be human.
We pray that the whimsical, loopy and seemingly mad/contradictory parts of you at play this month remind you of what a delight it is to be you. Here. And now.
For the divine masculine, hold on to your hats. There is a whirlwind romance in the stars for you. One you’ve known all along. It involves you, your heart and the person who’s held the key to deepening your relationship to it this whole time. Our advice to you is to bring your best to the table. The bare minimum isn’t your best and never could be your best. To be shy in the pursuit of your ultimate ideal reality and lived experience is futile. This month, you are not only encouraged but also so abundantly supported in taking risks. Especially as they relate to creative endeavors, relocations, soulmate type of relationships and outward displays of physical affection/creative expression. There is a vibration of flamboyance surrounding the awakened masculine. This energy wants to strut, to achieve, to perplex those who want to contain/undermine it and most of all, to experience the thrill of authentic expression via truth-telling, music, fashion choices or unexpected choices in romantic partners. Divine masculine energy is wholly embracing the divine comedies at play now and are delighting in their ability to engage so well with the unknown. Masculine energy still seeking to hang on to power over others, control or manipulation (old paradigm) will channel this energy into actively seeking awakened masculines to torment, ridicule or attempt to silence. August is another month of brother vs brother. If you choose to engage, do so with a sense of inner self-worth, security and a sense of humor.
As for the divine feminine, they’re likely to struggle and stumble as this energy unfolds. Insecurities and dark shadows of profound mistrust, betrayal, jealousy and poverty are likely to rise for clearing. This doesn’t necessarily mean it will be painful per se. It is more likely to occur in a dream or in a way that allows you to firmly say “no more of this” within and without. The feminine is seeking divine rapture and surrender. And this comes from leaning deeply into the mysticism and art forms surrounding desire, feeling, creativity and sensuous pleasure. By committing to pleasure practices and spending time visualizing the ideal reality, the feminine will be surprised at how quickly confirmations and manifestations occur. Even more surprisingly, is how effortlessly she will receive the adoration, service and even sacrifices that she desires from those she loves. It is a deeply activating tantric initiation into embracing the magic and magnetism that comes from feeling truly fulfilled and aligned with a pure desire. As feminine beings lean into and explore the magical qualities of their creative and sexual desires, empowered by them rather than ashamed of them, they will unlock a lifetime’s worth of occult practices and talents, lending them both knowledge and tools to forge ahead on their paths towards total sovereignty. Feminines can expect to attract a lot of attention from masculine energy from now until at least the end of the year. Careful not to devote yourself to a person too quickly. There is value in patience and there is an alchemical quality to the word “no” that will be reclaimed. Overall, the feminine is a bit more hesitant to lean into hope for a future that includes receiving her heart’s desires. Still, even while deep in her reclusive shadow work, she is likely to come across hidden gems that have the potential to be life-changing in a hugely positive way. Especially as these uncovered wisdoms pertain to spirituality, mysticism, sex, divine partnerships, money and material comforts. Affirm: I allow the Universe to provide me my heart’s truest desires. There is a mystery and allure that surrounds the feminine that leads her to discover her own unique brand of power, a power that integrates a more masculine definition of power and unites it in marriage to a much more ancient, obscure kind of wisdom. In this balanced energetic state, the feminine is likely to recover lifetimes and eons of her energy, magnetizing and reclaiming her superpowers. The result is a total transformation of her outlook on life where sudden and abrupt blessings avalanche down unto her. All that is required of her is to simply explore with curiosity, that which most people avert or recluse from.
That is all for now. There is cataclysmic energy all around. Some of it is meant to elevate you. Some of it wants to make you feel frightened and keep you small. August is a good time for you to determine what is truly a friend to your desired future what is a foe, keeping you chained to a narrative of suffering.
Godspeed to all.
This was a much needed message, thank you for channeling it <3
thank u so much for reading!!
Pamparios !
“Just because you are attracted to what makes you suffer, does not mean that you are powerless to overcome this attraction/addiction.”
That sentance was balm because my vices come with an impeccable glossy lip, and alurring eyes.
Maybe next time i’ll just laugh and say ‘those eyebrows were cute in 2016, but now they’re just not it” or perhaps “this pink lip was cute and we wore it out, but that was before i learned about color theory and now i prefer something with a slighty different undertone”
Anyway, im really gonna run with this makeup metaphor for my ‘maladaptive’ coping mechanisms because it’s playful, it gives my inner child something to visualize, and also it helps me have more compassion towards myself instead of just guilt/shame because i see the humanity and not just thinking in strict terms of a behavior being good/bad.
Thanks for the message!
I absolutely LOVE your makeup metaphor! It helped me really empathize with what your message was! Like yes, we develop makeup preferences BUT one of the most awesome things about makeup is how we can use it to hugely transform our faces! Give yourself a DRAG BEAT mama! Just for the fun of it all lol we develop certain go-tos it’s true… and it’s also true that have the power to even use those same go-to products to create an entirely different look! I’m rooting for you bby!!