Thermometer Attunements
Hello there! Dee here! This channeled message was inspired by a general feeling of anxiety I experienced last night. I found it difficult to sleep and tossed and turned for hours in bed. Eventually I did fall asleep only to awaken only two hours later with a really tense feeling in my stomach. I had to wake up to nervous poop in the middle of the night! So weird!
I’ve been going through a growth period which requires me to embrace the unknown so the channeled message this month wasn’t going to be one in which I predicted any sort of future events. I had planned a totally different channeling to share with you but this one took precedence because simply put: I cannot take the anxiety LOL! And the strange feeling of it all.
After hearing your stories about similar experiences happening at similar times on the same night… I really wanted to try my hand at decoding it for us using the Akashic Records. This is an off-the-cuff channeled work so bear with me as I am receiving this information for the first time as I am also simultaneously delivering it to you. Next month, I anticipate I will return to the previous monthly channeled forecasts but for now, let’s go on this ride together spontaneously!
Below you’ll find a raw transcript of my session with the Records. Hope it helps or at least provokes some thought!
–Transcript Start–
Hello there! Even now, I am feeling this… strange nervous and tension stirring up inside my belly. Like something is coming and I can’t tell if something bad but necessary is coming or what it is. All I know is that this energy last night felt like it was surrounding me and making it hard to sleep or even stop thinking. Today, it feels like it’s condensed inside me or something. Could you offer some information to help me decode the strange sensation and energies experienced by myself and others last night?
For some, it was experienced today for the first time due to time zones. In short, these incoming energies of prophecy are first attuning to those most sensitive to subtle energies. Like an instrument that needs tuning. You pluck along and allow the instrument to vibrate out its sound until it stabilizes back into perfect resonance with the notes you’re trying to play with it. You tune it by adjusting the frequency it emits, right?
I get the concept. But why did it feel so… strange? And why is this necessary? Why did it happen to many of us at once?
Perhaps because what was being plucked was a fragile sense of or attachment to comfortability. A lot of what is being “tuned” and adjusted are vibrations dealing with guilt, perfectionism and a moral sense of self-righteousness that is almost entirely delusional.
Go on…
Well when you are operating at a specific level and you’ve gained an inward sense of “enough-ness” or validation from vibrating at this level, it can be jarring and uncomfortable to find out that from the perspective of a higher awareness, this way of being no longer serves you. Judging yourselves and others too harshly doesn’t work anymore. Deeming yourself better or lesser than anybody else also doesn’t work. You’ll find that what is happening is that you are being attuned to a higher state of awareness which is more open to receiving– not just the good or comfortable but everything that is offered. This can agitate greatly the parts of you that find comfort in a more logical or sensuous way of being. And the effects of this attunement totally differ person to person. Some people have felt less-than for so long that this attunement to perceiving stronger, more powerful energies feels almost wrong to them, or overwhelming. There is a resistance to it because by the less-than logic.. if you cannot perceive it then you do not have to become responsible for it. If you cannot perceive power then you do not have to personally wield it.
On the other hand, for those who have a strong tendency towards self-righteousness this attunement can breed resistance from the parts of them who still have a lot of remorse and who feel incredible amounts of guilt and shame for not being able to measure up to their own standard of holy-ness or perfection.
Whatever is coming up for you as a result of this “tuning” and “plucking” process, be careful not to overanalyze or ruminate so much trying to reason with the feeling of incoming doom or change. This sense of doom is only doom to the parts of you that HAVE to go. The rest of you is totally fine. In fact, a lot of what is coming up for you cannot even be held at a personal level but rather is an echo from a dimension and a point in time that is far from your current life narrative.
So what can you do when a part of you that you cannot immediately recognize or even remember is agitated by such tuning processes? Not much. Try to be a loving witness and do not force yourself to make this feeling fit into your current life story. It really doesn’t have to be personal.
When you are sensitive to energies, there is no separation. Try as you might, your logical mind will desperately and feverishly look for ways to identify itself and create space between itself and others. At a human level, this is necessary sometimes. However, what is happening right now is a universal and interdimensional attunement. It has nothing to do with your human aspects. You are simply one of the people sensitive enough to perceive what an immense portal of urgent transformation is beginning to open now. Your bodies are quite intelligent and picking up on the vibrations being offered and presented. There is no need to take ownership of them or internalize a story about them that frightens you or puts too much pressure on you.
This is simply a necessary happening. As the thermometers of Earth, you’re picking up on the energetic spike and the heat is moving through you and will continue to do so until you’re rid of what no longer serves and until you are perfectly harmonized with the next-best frequency for you. That’s all!
Why is this necessary? I think I get what you mean. I was up all night feeling ashamed and anxious about my relationships. My closest friends have seen the worst of me, taken the brunt of my trust issues and self-centeredness. I wondered if I had messed everything up in an attempt to affirm my ego stories of being unworthy of love. I wondered if someone could witness my worst and still see the light in me.
Can you?
Yes. Not always immediately because my emotions trap me in my “me, me, me” story but yes. Fairly quickly I return to a place of recognizing the positives and negatives of every person and situation. I can say this sincerely.
So too, can your friends and the people that love you. No one is ever as truly “bad” as they perceive themselves to be. And trust us, not everyone is ever as truly “good” as they make themselves appear to be. The more effort anyone makes into appearing “good”, the more fragile is their sense of faith in themselves. The most honest of beings is the one who can say “I am open to being as I am and open to feedback as I prioritize growth.”
If you can come to a place of reconciliation with all aspects of yourselves, so too can the people meant to support and adore you.
This attunement is just revealing to you what is keeping you out of rhythm with the awesomeness of the whole You and the whole Youniverse.
Whatever that may be, the strange sensations are necessary for you to pay attention to them. It is FAR WORSE to normalize being out-of-step and offbeat with the Universe than it is to temporarily become aware of your inner discomfort.
You’ve just begun to be harmonized. So anything that was normalized but NOT beneficial or natural to you is being agitated. And it is being agitated BECAUSE it has no place in the long-run of your story anymore. It isn’t ok just because you’ve become adjusted to living in imbalance for who-knows-how-long. This is why this is agitating. And necessary. If you feel uncomfortable or strange, it is almost a near-perfect sign that the process of attunement to a higher octave is working. Because the lower, off-pitch sounds within you no longer feel normal. You can’t help but notice them as they leave you.
And awareness of these off-key notes is the most important part of releasing them. That’s why it is necessary. Though we would argue that “necessary” here is closer to meaning “a natural consequence of attuning to a different vibration” than it means “required.”
Noted. So this sense of spookiness or doom… you’re saying there’s nothing to fear?
Yes and no. The parts of you that are fearful just haven’t experienced a different way of being in a long time. The part of you ruminating on your terribleness is becoming agitated at the consistency and abundance of love that is available to it. It is frightened out of its wits. It doesn’t want to be wrong. And it doesn’t want to “mess up”. It would rather be right and remain alone than to do something new. And it does not yet understand that love being withheld or withdrawn in the past wasn’t because of “messing up” it was because those it was dependent on couldn’t emotionally afford forgiveness, empathy, patience or compassion. The environment was not skilled enough to navigate conflict so love was withdrawn or withheld passive-aggressively. According to its logic based on previous data…. space or silence = abandonment.
This part of you has much to fear. Because it is being vibrated right out of its life force. It is being either integrated or alchemized into something entirely different. Wouldn’t you be nervous if you realized that your existence as you know it has an expiration date?
Well when you put it that way…
Parts of your existence as you know it have an expiration date. So yes. There are parts of you that will experience discomfort, great discomfort and grief in the coming days if not weeks, as you adjust to a different harmony. Some of you are making huge leaps. Switching genres of music entirely.
Are these parts of us in any way dangerous or evil? It just felt like personally, I wanted to be protected from these energies. Is there anything to this?
Truthfully yes. But this is not a cause for panic or even concern in our point of view. In unconsciousness, you can take on energies and give them life, even identify with them and their stories so that they become a part of you. What used to be a strong but temporary emotion is now latched unto and processed through you with something like a life of its own. When your shadows feel uncontrollable and like no matter how you try to improve, it feels inadequate… this is usually a sign that an entity previously discarded or lost into existence has taken new life by becoming a part of yours. While this may be an uncomfortable awareness, we reiterate that life and energy has no separateness. Life is life. Energy is being processed and alchemized. If not in this way, through you then it another way but life and energy is processed all the same.
As many of these “entities” (which are really something more like emotions stuck who have taken an identity and life of their own and not really “intelligent” forms) are being evicted from your consciousness and bodies as a consequence of this attunement, their first instinct is to look for a new host or processing center. Upping your spiritual protections is a good idea and relying on your faithful team of spiritual benevolent guides can be helpful.
Again, so as to not cause fright we must reiterate that these entities latching onto you once more to process their misery on a loop throughout your organic life.. is impossible. As a result of this attunement, they will be attuned too. If anything at all, the worst possible scenario here is that a new entity, perfectly resonant with your vibration comes along and becomes a part of you. Even if this happens, this would happen at a level totally different than the one you were previously in. And so on the cycle goes. Even these dark energies leftover from eons before are taking new forms. This is no cause for panic. Only awareness.
Depending on a person’s level of consciousness, it is quite possible, even likely that you’ll be left with only what’s organic to you. And if something does become attached to you, it can only happen as a result of you already being an energetic match to it. In which case, you take on the journey of personally alchemizing it or you make it a spiritual practice to reach consistent levels of genuine bliss that evict these entities naturally.
We really must emphasize that this is such a common occurrence and can be remedied by an experienced healer quite easily as long as you have not formed identification with this alien form. If you have, you may need a deeper process that involves emotional individuation from it and energy clearings. As long as a part of you feels protected by this alien form, it is likely you won’t give it up so easily. Again, awareness is key. Awareness and being willing to dive within for resolution and clarity.
This neither here nor there. Either way, the clearing process and up-leveling is happening to all energetic forms. No exceptions.
What is the most advantageous approach to this inward process?
Do not let fear control you or drive your actions. Look to the higher beings you believe in to guide you when you feel fear is blinding or limiting your options. The best thing you can do for yourselves is to lovingly witness the parts of you on the fritz and show gratitude. Show compassion and appreciation. Do not strive to change them for they are changing on their own anyhow. Treat them as you would a sort of pet that has become too sick to go on. Appreciate it, thank it for all its done to accompany you. Affirm that it is either going to a better place or becoming something more beautiful than it used to be. Whichever language resonates best for you. Witnessing without becoming caught up in the story of it all is best. Witness and love. Witness and love.
Those of you sensitive enough to feel this attunement process as it is happening in real time undoubtedly have an added responsibility of holding down the fort when the waves catch up to those who are unconscious of subtle realms. It will be quite an undertaking for them that will feel as if their very soul is being split in two. It could become a very violent experience for those unconscious and in resistance to their own spirit.
This isn’t to say, “Make it your business to tolerate abuse.” This is to say, “Be aware that this may happen somewhere near you and it has nothing to do with you.” Show compassion where you can, send a prayer for that person and be done with it. Grounding yourself will be important as this tumultuous wave permeates those on the outer edges of reality. Reality meaning the world of energy, of universal vibration. The true reality of light and resonance. Not to mean the material reality. Just in case clarification is necessary. Relying on logic alone will create an intense amount of tension, stress and resistance. Be aware that to some, the cognitive dissonance of this attunement can ignite extreme psychological episodes. Again, you do not have to tolerate abuse of any kind. We are saying this simply for the purpose of your awareness.
Could it be that some people won’t make it through the attunement process?
No. The attunement affects everything in the Universe. Whether a Being is in physical form or not, they won’t escape the process.
May I ask… what’s on the other side of this universal attunement process? What are the most likely effects of this attunement to a different vibration? How will this change show up in humans at an individual and collective level?
Yes you may but we will not answer for the time being. It is not yet time for that kind of information to find your awareness. However, we are happy to converse again on this in two week’s time. At the end of October.
Thank you. Do you have any final pieces of advice?
Get ready for the world which you call the spiritual realm to take a great precedence over everything else in your life. However smart you believe yourself to be, you cannot outsmart the Universe and omnipresence of Love. Cleverness and tricks of the mind are no longer reliable weapons or defenses. The more you cling to logic as your ultimate authority, the more obviously you’ll lose your mind. Be open to the unseen and practice your faithfulness. Whatever makes you feel connected to bliss and somehow in intimate relationship with Source, do more of it. Simply to cultivate a stronger, more refined practice of trust and faith in what you do not yet see or know is enough. The spiritual realm is very much real. More real than the physical things you see or touch. Centering yourself in a spiritual practice of your choice will help you perceive possibilities that logic alone cannot. Take a peek and you’ll see.
In the long run, you’re all going to feel a lot better. Temporary discomfort will be well worth the rewards of a next-best Youniverse.
— Transcript End —
WHEW!!!! I am buzzing!! And I cannot focus for not one minute longer so I’ll leave it at that. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and feedback on this post. Does this resonate for you? Did you also pick up on the interesting vibes last night?
Tell me everything in the comments!
P.S Community members, are you open to me making this post free? I feel like people could really benefit from it. I’ll post the part two to this exclusively for members but this first part feels like it needs to be out there somehow. Can ya’ll help me share it if it resonates for you?
OH MY GOD, thank you Dee, SERIOUSLY. I couldnโt tell if hormones were making me crazy or if there was really something going on! This resonated so much and it honestly just feels so affirming and relieving to have an answer ๐ญ๐ซถ. Iโm super open to this being available to everyone! โค๏ธ
whewwwww thank you for the sanity check fr fr lol! yes pls share this with the public, life is hard enuf for so many ppl rn it would be so wonderful to help out as many as we can! lots of love and good energy to everyone ๐โจ
this is lowkey INSANE I literally woke up with the strangest anxiety this morning and I couldnโt shake it or figure out exactly why it was there (because that doesnโt happen that often), so if this is the explanation then Iโll take it ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
That feeling hit me like a freight train today & at first I thought it was all me but after reading this I feel a lot better. Thank you for sharing its helped me shift perspectives.
Also now that I think of it Friday night I was up tossing & turning too. I woke up Saturday super exhausted & even napped which I hardly do.
omg thank u guys for your comments!!! I am so happy to be experiencing this shift with you all! We’re vibing!! It’s so amazing to me that we all palpably experienced something around the same time. Like whoaaaa! Vibes are real!!
Wow…these past few days have been really challenging my ego and the stories it has created about me. I can feel the ego driven story of me not being worthy of love dying off…and it is FIGHTING to stay alive. I’ve been starting arguments with my significant other trying to find weak links in his chain of love for me…because I’ve attached myself to the ego-driven narrative that I am not worthy of love and that I cannot trust others. Your words struck deep within the chords of my soul and helped me see the light within myself. I will do my best to give myself the grace to “witness and love” these parts of myself (or ego?) slough off. Thank you for sharing this. The light in me recognizes the light in you <3